The SilentDrive 2.0 BLDC motor reduces the running noise and energy consumption of the dishwasher, while the 2 speed levels fine-tunes the washing performance to the load type. The resulting two water delivery pressure levels helps to gently wash the dishes in the top rack while the sprinkler in the bottom rack scrubs away heavy grime. The brushless design extends the life of the motor.
What if we wanted our dishes to be hygienically clean and shiny? It’s doable with SteamPower®, a system which applies hot steam at the end of the dishwashing cycle to reduce the bacteria on the dishes and inside the dishwasher, leaving everything shiny and perfectly dry.
OptiTime omogućava prilagođavanje vremena pranja Tvom posuđu. Skrati ciklus pranja ako Ti je stalo do vremena ili imaš lako zaprljano posuđe. A kad moraš dobro oprati jako zaprljano posuđe, produži program i uživaj u perfektnom efektu!
Nobody likes paying their energy bills. Amica cares about our budget and the environment, so the dishwashers feature solutions that guarantee reduced power consumption, which means lower bills. The energy consumption savings of an E rated dishwasher are 10% greater than for an F rated dishwasher. This means up to 32 more washing cycles a year at the same power consumption level. Amica dishwashers are efficient all around! Cost-efficient and ecological washing in one!
Suvremeni, antibakterijski filtar od materijala, koji je derivat triazola, eliminira patogene koji se na njemu talože te prvenstveno otežava njihovo razmnožavanje u unutrašnjosti perilice posuđa. Rješenje također reducira nastajanje neugodnih mirisa. Čista higijena ugrađena u perilicu posuđa!
Razmišljaš li koliko vode i struje troši perilica posuđa? Sad, zahvaljujući vidljivoj informaciji na upravljačkoj ploči, možeš prilagoditi parametre pranja svojim potrebama. Čitljivi pokazatelj informira o približnoj potrošnji energije i vode u danom programu i tijekom primjene konkretne funkcije. Puno znanje = optimalni izbor i ušteda!
Any allergy sufferers or small children at home? The Hygiene programme heats the washing water to 70°C to ensure that even the dirtiest of dishes come out sparkling clean and free of dangerous germs. They are even clean under the lens of a microscope!
Need to get the dishes perfectly clean, quickly? This programme does it in an hour only! Complete with all washing programmes, such as soaking and drying, we can enjoy the excellent results provided by longer programmes.
What if we want the dishwasher to clean well in every cycle and last for many years? The AutoCleaning programme uses 70°C to disinfect the entire dishwasher (internal surfaces, filters and racks) while extending its operating life. Effortless and sterile cleaning, for many years.
The dishwasher is running, but we are not confident about going shopping or having a sit-down with friends while the appliance runs unattended? Of course we can go out! There is a whole array of electronic protective features to prevent the dishwasher from flooding our home. Now we can leave it running and go out or doze off on the couch if we like.
Ne trebate čekati da se perilica posuđa napuni do kraja kako biste pokrenuli ciklus pranja. Jednostavno napunite jednu košaru ili obje do pola kapaciteta. Mlaznice za prskanje radit će naizmjenično (sekvencijski). Ciklus Vam jamči uštedu vremena i energije.
Odaberite pravi trenutak. Pomoću ove značajke, možete programirati Vašu perilicu posuđa da započne s radom u Vama najzgodnije vrijeme.